

Caterham is a school where there is always lots going on. We are proud of all of our pupils – here are some particular stories and achievements to share with you.

The Wellbeing Hub – Fortnightly Spotlight

It’s been great to see so many parents sign up to the Wellbeing Hub in recent weeks. We hope...

Double Golds and a Silver for Caterham Fencers!

Congratulations to Karam N who took Gold in the U12 Boys Sabre class at the South East Regional Fencing...

Oxford and Cambridge Offer Celebrations!

Thirteen Caterham pupils are celebrating after receiving offers from Cambridge and Oxford University. The offers span an extensive range...

1984 Reviewed Ahead of National School Theatre Awards

Once again our Senior Production has been nominated in several categories at the National School Theatre Awards, and we...

Physicists Visit Imperial College for ‘Hubble Trouble’

Last week a group of our Lower Sixth physicists ventured up to Imperial College London on a school trip...

Fifth Year Inspired at Poetry Live!

On Thursday 30 January, the entire Fifth Year cohort (148 pupils) travelled into London to see ‘Poetry Live!’ at...

Thrilling Stage Combat Workshop for Drama Scholars

Our Senior Drama scholars were treated to an exceptional Stage Combat workshop from Mark, founder of Squire Stage Combat,...

Fourth Year Mathematicians in Action

On Thursday 23 January, the Fourth Year top set maths (and some other volunteers) went on a trip to...

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