

Caterham is a school where there is always lots going on. We are proud of all of our pupils – here are some particular stories and achievements to share with you.

Big Dystopian Board Game Challenge

2H have been very happily reviewing, and feeding back on, each other’s Dystopian Board Games in preparation for their...

EuroCup drama in the Copper Box

Wednesday evening saw 31 boarders travel to the Olympic Park in Stratford to watch a EuroCup basketball match between...

High Quality of Academic Endeavour Evidenced at IRP Final

The Senior Independent Research Project final is undoubtedly one of the academic highlights of the year at Caterham, and...

Friendly Competition at House Afternoon

On Wednesday afternoon the school site was abuzz with friendly competition for our first House Events Afternoon! All pupils...

Music marks Remembrance Sunday

Music for the Remembrance Service was provided by our Wind Band who supported hymns and the National Anthem with...

1st VI Boys Indoor Hockey Team Crowned South East Champions and Qualify for National Finals

Earlier this week, our 1st VI Boys indoor hockey team took part in the U18 Indoor Hockey South East...

Castle Building Contest in First Year

Over the October half-term, First Year pupils were challenged to produce the best castle they could, in response to...

Celebrating 100 Years of Rugby

On Friday evening we welcomed back our rugby players and coaches of the past to celebrate 100 years of...

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