

Caterham is a school where there is always lots going on. We are proud of all of our pupils – here are some particular stories and achievements to share with you.

Business as Usual

It’s business as usual for the Spanish Department at Caterham, connecting with the LAE Stratford students via Microsoft Teams....

Join the Club on Strava

Since moving to virtual school, members of the Sports Department have set up a Strava Club, this tracks your exercise and posts...

Academic Shorts

To keep your intellectual life bubbling over this period, make sure you follow a series of ‘Academic Shorts’ –...

OC on the Airwaves

This morning’s Today programme on Radio 4 featured Old Caterhamian Geoffrey Pidgeon speaking about his time as the youngest member of...

Recipe of the Week

Last week we launched the Caterham Cookbook and invited you to submit your family’s favourite recipes. We have already received delights ranging...

CSS Book Club

The CSS Book Club has carried on in full force with the introduction of technology keeping the group connected....

Caring for key worker children

Support for Key Workers’ children has continued throughout the Easter holidays with a special multi activity camp solely for the...

House Cup Final Standings

We are pleased to publish the FINAL Cup Standings for the House Cups in the House Year (Easter to Easter)...

1 201 202 203 204 205 300

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