

Caterham is a school where there is always lots going on. We are proud of all of our pupils – here are some particular stories and achievements to share with you.

Academic Shorts

The fascinating series of Academic Shorts from teachers, pupils and Old Caterhamians continues apace. The insight, depth of knowledge and genuine...

‘Applying to university – truths v myths’

The next wellbeing webinar will focus on the university application process and is aimed at Lower Sixth students and...

Caterham Art

Here is a new workshop for this week if you fancy a little creativity just for you or with...

Caterham Key Workers

Caterham key worker parent Peter B (dad to Lucy) helped with a very special delivery in his newly assigned...

Raspberry Pi Inventors Shed

Do you have a Raspberry Pi computer lying unused somewhere at home? Have you ever wondered what to do...

Composition Competition

The music department are delighted to launch a brand new Composition Competition for the Summer Term open to all...

Winners -T-Shirt Competition

Students were asked to find a quotation from a famous philosopher or religious text and think about how it...

Digital Art Talent

Caterhamart (online home of our Senior School Art department on Instagram) has been showcasing ongoing submissions from students who...

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