

Caterham is a school where there is always lots going on. We are proud of all of our pupils – here are some particular stories and achievements to share with you.


An Education for Life in Lockdown – living the virtual experience For eight years our pupils have benefitted from...

VE Day 2020 – Cadets Pay Tribute

To mark VE Day 2020, the cadets of Caterham School CCF made a tribute of gratitude to all the...

VE Day – remembered…

From the archive:    V.E.-day AT SCHOOL 1945 On Monday, May 7th, school work was very far from people’s...

Hospital Art Work Brightening East Surrey and Croydon

Caterham pupils’ artwork is cheering the patients and NHS workers at East Surrey and Croydon University Hospitals. Following a...

Trying Something New

Our Summer Term Co-Curricular timetable has opened the door to some new activities and interests for pupils! Launched at...

Caterham Virtual Advice – Durham University

We were delighted to be approached by Durham University to share our knowledge and best practise as UK leaders...

Destination WWDC20

“Students are an integral part of the Apple developer community, and last year WWDC saw attendance from more than...

Create an Artwork in 45 Minutes

Do you want to join our creative community at Caterham and try out a new skill?  This week there...

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