

Caterham is a school where there is always lots going on. We are proud of all of our pupils – here are some particular stories and achievements to share with you.

TES Awards Triple Crown

We are thrilled to have been shortlisted in no less than three categories in this year’s Times Educational Supplement...

Summer Term Music Events

The Music Department will be hosting an exciting series of events and performances during the course of the summer...

Lax Cats Remain Strong

Since returning to physical school our Lax Cats have had great fun with house lacrosse and different tournament play....

Lower Sixth Form Psychology Conference

On Tuesday 23 March, 20 Lower Sixth Form Psychologists attended an A Level Psychology virtual conference with Professor Elizabeth...

Wearing Red for Mufti Day

We’re delighted that Caterham pupils are supporting the national campaigns to make our communities safer for women.  We are...

Poster Competition Winners Announced

Congratulations to our three poster competition winners, Rosie, Eva and Isabelle, whose designs will soon be by the green...

BizQuiz Winner

For two years, A-Level Business students have been challenged to achieve full marks in the weekly ‘BizQuiz’. This is...

Photography Competition is now open!

To enter please take up to three images that convey Hope and/or Power. You can use image editing software...

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