

Caterham is a school where there is always lots going on. We are proud of all of our pupils – here are some particular stories and achievements to share with you.

Outstanding Musical Theatre Examination Results

The latest Musical Theatre examinations from Trinity College, London have resulted in outstanding achievements for all. These examinations are...

Results Reflect Fantastic Effort at Senior Physics Challenge

March saw the return of the Lower Sixth Form Senior Physics Challenge in its written form. Thirteen pupils across...

Lower Sixth Visit Imperial College

This Tuesday saw 14 of Caterham’s keenest physicists take a trip to Imperial College, London to listen to Professor...

Generous Community Supports Giving Day

Thank you for making Caterham School’s first Giving Day such a success! We hope that you were able to...

Lower Sixth Boost Skillset

Over the past fortnight 16 intrepid Lower Sixth Form Study Buddies have attended a new intensive course to boost...

Locals Schools Compete at Junior Globe Trotting Quiz

It was fantastic to see the return of the Caterham Junior Globe Trotting Quiz after a two year hiatus....

Superb LAMDA Results

Congratulations to all those who took LAMDA exams in February. With four Merits and 18 Distinctions, these are superb...

Twilight Concert

Vocalpoint (our girls’ choir) presented a Twilight Concert with a Musical Theatre theme and beautifully sang songs from Waitress,...

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