

Caterham is a school where there is always lots going on. We are proud of all of our pupils – here are some particular stories and achievements to share with you.

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Why should you care about politics? Let me attempt to answer this for you. Politics impacts every aspect of...

Biologists Conquer Camber

What an enjoyable day the A-level biologists had on their trip to the famous Camber Sands on Wednesday. During...

MAD Live!

‘It’s electric. It’s brilliant. It’s happening,’ appeared on the Music Department’s twitter feed on Wednesday evening as MADlive made...

ArtsWeek Celebrations

What a fantastic end to the term and year we had with Arts Week opening up a myriad of...

Arthur and Rory selected for UK Lions Junior Hockey Squad

Last weekend, two of our second year hockey players were selected for the South Saxon (South Region) hockey team...

Second Year Trip to Science Museum

Last week, 93 Second Years piled aboard two coaches to participate in the history trip to the Science Museum...

Young Medics

This Tuesday, a handful of aspiring medics from The Wright Society and Oxbridge applicants attended a very informative BMAT...

Biology Olympiad – Winners!

Just before their summer exams began a group of Lower Sixth Form pupils took part in the Biology Olympiad...

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