PA Projects

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PA Projects

Where profits are raised by Parents’ Association events a percentage is given to the PA’s chosen charities and the rest is invested back into the pupils’ experience of the School, providing extra equipment or activities for the pupils over and above that which the School would be expected to provide. The PA has funded many […]

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Supporting Good Causes

In addition to connecting and supporting parents, the Parents’ Association undertake a range of work to both support good causes and invest back into the School to provide extra equipment or activities above and beyond that which the School would be expected to provide. The PA review their charities annually, if you would like to […]

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PA Committee

Welcome, from the Committee! The PA Committee meets twice a term and includes parents, members of staff and the Headmasters of both the Senior and Prep Schools.  In addition, each and every form or tutor group in the school, from Reception to Upper Sixth Form, has a parent representative or “Form Rep”.  Form Reps also […]

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Nearly New Uniform

Caterham School Parents’ Association are delighted to host regular Nearly New Uniform (NNU) sales throughout the year in both the senior and prep schools. No appointment is necessary. Numbers will be limited in the shop so you may be asked to wait outside until space becomes available.  Payment is accepted by contactless/card only.    The […]

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Parents’ Association

Welcome to the Caterham School Parents’ Association! As a parent of Caterham School and Caterham Prep School you are automatically a member of this vibrant, sociable and supportive association. We hope that you will find all that we do fun and helpful – and that you will want to join in – in whatever way you can. […]

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City Careers Evening

On Monday 2 October, the Careers department will host the next careers evening ‘Careers in the City’ and would like to invite all pupil and parents in Fourth Year and above to attend this exciting event. The event will commence at 7.00pm in the Humphreys Theatre and will finish at 9pm. all careers will be stand-based […]

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