First Years Settle In

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First Years Settle In

The First Year have had a fantastic first week and are settling into Caterham life brilliantly. They enjoyed a range of fun sports activities last week and ended the week with lots of team building and House activities, during which they all started to get to know one another more. They’ve made a great start […]

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Mountain Biking with the Army

An eight-hour train-ride from leafy Surrey to beautiful Snowdonia was nothing compared to the challenge that lay ahead: a week-long mountain biking course run by the Cadet Centre for Adventurous Training (CCAT). I joined cadets from across the UK at CCAT’s centre high up in the north Welsh mountains ready for a week of adventure. […]

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Forging New Friendships at Enrichment Day

The first Friday of term saw the school site bustling with activity in our annual Enrichment Day. EDGE critical thinking, teambuilding, future planning, orienteering and even some fire building kept year groups busy throughout the morning. The afternoon saw the launch of this year’s House Competition with some hotly contested first events- Tug of War, Egg and […]

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ETS and Chamber Choir- limited places

We are delighted to invite pupils to audition for our chapel choir, ETS (Eric Thiman Singers) and Chamber Choir (senior choir). These choirs have an impressive history of outstanding performances in prestigious venues all over Europe and the UK. The choirs requires a firm commitment to two rehearsals a week with occasional rehearsals at the […]

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Supporting Sport with Sal’s Shoes

You can’t help but smile when you receive a note from an Old Caterhamian to say that his son is a volunteer rugby coach in Ghana and the Youth team he is coaching happens to be kitted out in Caterham School kit! It’s a great example of our brilliant parents donating old sports kit via […]

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Spectacular LAMDA Results

Just before the end of the summer term, pupils received their results from the May LAMDA exams. The final set of results last year were another outstanding demonstration of pupils’ talent and hard work. A record number of 57 pupils took an exam, this time covering all eight of LAMDA’s specifications, including mime and a […]

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