Musical Exam Success
Last term saw another stellar set of music examination results from both Associated Board of The Royal Schools of Music and Trinity College (including Musical Theatre). It is testament to the amazing talent and dedication of our pupils across all year groups, including at Caterham Prep School who enjoy similarly excellent results this term. It is particularly wonderful to see such great achievements from pupils who give so much to the music department and contribute hugely to music across the school. It is wonderful that these pupils do not solely work towards music examinations- they are members of bands, orchestras and choirs and perform as soloists. Their fantastic results therefore reflect their energy for music and are highly deserved. Congratulations go to all of our pupils for their hard work whatever their result, however, a special mention must go to pupils achieving Distinctions: Isabella C, Finley C, Francesca D, Max K, Yu-In T. Felicitations in particular to Ferdy C (U6) on his outstanding contributions in choral music and as a soloist. He has been extremely dedicated as a singer since being a pupil at Caterham Prep and recently played the dapper character of Freddy Eynesford-Hill in My Fair Lady.