Wellbeing & Inclusion Ambassadors Selected

Wellbeing & Inclusion Ambassadors Selected

Last half term we received a very strong pool of applications from Lower Sixth pupils for the role of Wellbeing and Inclusion Ambassadors at Caterham school. This both delighted us and speaks volumes for the Lower Sixth Year group as a whole, but also made for a tough selection process.  Congratulations to the following pupils who were selected based on the content of their application; particularly on the ideas presented for taking the position forward and their relevant experience:

Kayla P

Matthew F

Sneha S K

Natasha N

Olivia J

Kate F

Diya P

Ravi M

Emily H D

Sherene L

Amelia R

Aashi P

We are looking forward to working with them in areas around Wellbeing, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion over the next 12 months.

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