Uni Advice from Old Caterhamians
Old Cats from the class of 2018 returned to school this week, to enlighten Lower Sixth students on what to expect in their first year of university. They offered sound advice on the considerations in in choosing courses through to managing the work-life balance at university.
It became evident that selecting the right university is not a linear process and that the journey the current Sixth Formers are embarking on may lead to an unexpected destination. They impressed the importance of visiting universities to get a feel for the town, campus and course, and not to be swayed by the popular choices of your friends to ensure you choose the course and uni that is right for you.
A couple of them had experienced the clearing process, it had ended well for both but made it apparent how important it is to have a B-plan and to be adaptable rather than just focus on one option.
Meeting new people is key to the university experience, so they encouraged all the pupils to make the most of all the opportunities on offer, joining societies and sports clubs – even if you are a beginner, as it is the easiest way to meet people.
It was interesting to hear how the panel was split on the benefits of catered accommodation versus self-catering, but listening to the pros and cons of each gave the pupils plenty to dwell on.
Clearly the experience is different for every student, but the Old Cats gave the Sixth Formers plenty to consider and look forward to.
We welcomed back:
Abigail Barrett (Leeds, Management)
Emily Buchanan (Southampton, Medicine)
Holly Mead (Exeter, Criminology & Sociology)
Ben Deans (Cardiff, Environmental Geology)
Phoebe Salem (Guildford School of Acting, Drama)
Ben Soden (Bath, International Management & Spanish)
Zach de Beer (Nottingham Trent, Law)
Cameron Swayne (Exeter, Business Management)
Charlotte Bridson (Birmingham Conservatoire, Education in Acting)
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