Tara Excels at Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators 2024

Tara Excels at Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators 2024

Congratulations to Tara S who has been awarded a commendation for her outstanding work in French in a nationwide translation competition.

The Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators is a prestigious national competition designed to encourage UK students aged 11-18 to engage with language learning through the art of creative translation. Launched by the Queen’s Translation Exchange at the University of Oxford, this annual event aims to inspire young people to delve into modern foreign languages and foster a love for linguistic creativity in the classroom. The Anthea Bell Prize not only highlights the importance of language learning but also emphasises the role of creative translation in developing students’ linguistic skills and cultural awareness. By participating in this competition, students gain a deeper appreciation for the nuances of language and the art of translation. This year, the prize saw remarkable engagement, with over 16,000 participants and just under 3,600 entries. 


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