Stand Out Performances at House Drama

Stand Out Performances at House Drama

Pupils and staff gathered in the Humphreys Theatre for the annual House Drama competition. Each house had to provide entries in three categories: monologues, duologues & devised, with each entry linking to this year’s Cat Among the Pigeons theme, ‘Visibility’. Points were awarded for skill, entertainment and participation.

There were stand out performances in each category, however the judges were genuinely impressed by the overall standard shown, and the level of creativity and effort that went into the various entries. Highlights were an endearing duologue from ‘Blood Brothers’ presented by Isabelle C & Tanya C from Harestone, which had us all feeling nostalgic for our childhood days, and an incredibly clever (and hilarious!) script written by George M for Ridgefield’s devised piece. There were many tears of laughter at the judge’s table!

Congratulations to all of this year’s participants and winners! Results as follows:


1st: Underwood (Daisy C)

2nd: Ridgefield (Gia A)

3rd: Newington (Oliver C)


1st: Harestone (Isabelle C & Tanya C)

2nd: Aldercombe (Lyla B & Connie M)

3rd: Underwood (Daisy C & Rosie B)


1st: Ridgefield

2nd: Underwood

3rd: Aldercombe

Overall (including points for participation in the devised category):

1st: Underwood & Harestone

2nd: Ridgefield

We can’t wait to see what next year has in store!

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