Professional Fight Choreography for The Lightning Thief

Professional Fight Choreography for The Lightning Thief

Last week the cast of The Lightning Thief got to grips with their weapons in an epic all-day stage combat workshop. Working with a professional fight choreographer, the half-bloods learned how to stage fight scenes safely whilst also creating an impressive visual spectacle! Made all the more special by using ‘weapons’ specifically created for our show, the principals in particular have grown very attached to their character-inspired swords and spears!

It was a long day, but we were incredibly impressed by the cast’s tenacity and willingness to get stuck in. Swords were swung, people were stabbed (safely!) and everyone went home exhausted but satisfied with a job well done. Tickets for The Lightning Thief will be coming out in November so keep your eyes peeled- this isn’t a show you’ll want to miss!

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