Product Design in Action 2019
Lower Sixth design students visited London’s Emmanuel Centre last week. The focus of the day was to hear from five renowned speakers from a diverse range of design related specialisms including speakers such as Daniel Charny who is an internationally recognised creative director and lecturer in the field of contemporary design. Daniel took the audience through a practical look at social design, in particular, the Fixperts initiative, which is a learning programme that challenges young people from schools and university to use their imagination and skills to create ingenious solutions to everyday problems for a real person. Students must test each prototype with the target user until a solution is found. This iterative process of listening to feedback and redevelopment of prototypes is essential for success.
The highlight of the day was from speaker Wayne Hemingway who reflected on his fascinating and diverse journey from thrifty market staller to international and morally responsible designer, culminating in the development of his company Red or Dead. Now leading an award winning multi-disciplinary design agency, students were led through a timeline of London lifestyle in the 70’s compared with modern day, socially responsible design.
Day trips such as these provide students with a valuable insight into the world of design. More and more focus is placed upon creating products which are both technologically advanced and morally sustainable. A design career which today’s young designer will enter will be a rapidly changing one.
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