JNCO Cadre Passing Out Parade

JNCO Cadre Passing Out Parade

The Autumn Term of the Fifth Year is the most demanding in a cadet’s career as they undertake their junior NCO Cadre. A rigorous camp in October is followed by instruction in how to teach, and preparation for lessons in skill at arms and drill, observed and assessed by military examiners. At the end of this first stage of their NCO training, 28 Fifth Year cadets were promoted to Lance Corporal on 12 February in front of the cadets and officers of the Corps and proud parents. Certificates of Merit were awarded to those who particularly excelled in elements of the course: in Skill at Arms to LCpl Brand; in drill to LCpl James; and in fieldcraft to LCpl Ramsden-Board. The most improved cadet was LCpl Masters, while LCpl MacDonald took the shield for Cadre Best Cadet 2020. Congratulations to these and to all who passed so stern a test of character and cadetship and who represent the bright future of the Corps.

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