Hans Woyda Semi Final

Hans Woyda Semi Final

On Monday 20 February, our Hans Woyda Maths team took the challenge to Trinity School in the semi-finals of the southern plate Hans Woyda competition. The maths was hard, the pressure was intense and the snacks were pretty good. The match was close fought from the outset with the lead going back and forward between the teams. We entered the final round neck and neck with brilliant problem solving on both sides. The final round is a head to head race and, with everything to play for, the most intense round of the match. Unfortunately Trinity pulled ahead in the last few questions and won with a score of 31 to our 27. Commiserations to our team, Alex M, Sophie H, Ariel W and Yolanda C, but also congratulations for excellent performance in this round and all the previous ones, bettering our results from last year.

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