Feedback on the Menu

Feedback on the Menu

Our pupil Food Councils have been in action this term giving feedback on the menu and provision across the school. The senior day and senior boarding Food Councils have been in operation for some time and include representatives from each year group and each boarding house. This school year has seen the addition of Food Councils in the Prep School from Years 1 to 6. 

Each council meets with senior members of the School’s caterers Chartwell in open sessions where nothing is ‘off the menu’ and pupils can and do talk freely about the offer. Feedback on menu selections and preferred and not preferred options is given from across the school. In the last round of meetings, pupils’ gave positive reactions to their earlier suggestions that have appeared on recent menus.

The Food Council sessions also give pupils the opportunity to learn how things are made freshly on site each day they also to talk about allergies and dietary needs and the need to have a balanced approach meals and nutrition.


This term’s menus can be seen HERE
Frequently asked questions can be seen HERE.

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