Confidence Building Performances at Twilight Concert
Our after-school informal concert series continued with another selection of diverse and enjoyable pieces. Twilight Concerts are ideal for musicians who wish to perform to a small audience and can help in music exam preparations and confidence building. We were delighted to have pupils from First Year to Fifth Year performing a range of styles: Alex J (First Year) and Emily S (Third Year) providing a lovely jazz selection, Aggie P (Third Year) sang Olivia Rodrigo’s ‘Vampire’, First Year Alejandro GB and Winne K (Fifth Year) gave triumphant and energetic performances of Holst’s ‘Jupiter’ and Haydn’s ‘Hungarian Rondo’ respectively. Sensitive and beautiful playing was heard in performances of Fifth Years Ian W, Antonia P and Abi P. Pupils who wish to perform at a Twilight Concert should let the Music Department know- all styles and standards are welcomed in this inclusive concert series.