CCF RAF Air Experience Flying
A maximum of 12 RAF cadets can be taken to RAF Benson for termly Air Experience Flying (AEF), and setting off from Caterham last Wednesday was a party of eight new Third Year recruits, three Fourth Year cadets and one Upper VI on her last flight. The morning’s low cloud base lifted sufficiently for all our cadets to fly in the afternoon. Standard preparations were undertaken as ever – the safety brief and practising fastening and unfastening harnesses and parachutes. There were some particularly long flights for some cadets as Puma and Chinook helicopters were returning to base and the cadets in their Tutor aircraft had to fly the circuit until the approach was clear. An unforgettable day was had by all flying in the Oxfordshire skies, especially for the first-time fliers.
This was my last organised trip to RAF Benson after 35 years and it is my hope that RAF cadets at Caterham will long continue to enjoy the flying experiences and other wonderful adventures cadet life has to offer.
Sqn Ldr John Armitage RAFAC
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