Black History Month 2020

Black History Month 2020

Celebrating diversity and challenging racism has never been more important within our school and the wider community.  This week marks the start of Black History Month, recognising the huge contribution the Black community has had on all our lives. This is a great opportunity for us to launch a programme of initiatives and events that will run throughout the school year. 

Our BAME Community group and teachers have been actively exploring ways to raise awareness within school.  Alongside this week’s fantastic assembly made by Arjun, Achintya, Phoenix and Chichi, pupils will see information posted across the zones in school celebrating the achievements of the Black community and the impact they have had on all our lives, activities organised by departments and a growing bank of information and resources on our Celebrating Diversity Firefly page.  

We are encouraging pupils to enter the 100 Black Britons competition, which asks young people, either alone or in a group, to create a unique and exciting way to celebrate Great Black Britons.  Instructions are on the website found here which has great prizes!  Please let us know if you enter. 

Upper Sixth Form pupils are encouraged to join Mr Waite’s Film Society, Friday 16 October (4.10 – 5.45pm in P2).   He is showing George Washington, a stunning portrait of how a group of five poor, black and white pre-teens come to grips with a hard world of choices and consequences.  A fabulous film, directed by David Gordon Greene (2000). 

If any pupils are interested in joining our BAME Community group, please email Mrs Fahey.

We are really keen to extend our work around diversity and inclusion, so please contact me if you are aware of organisations, community groups or speakers that would support this. 

Louise Fahey

Inclusion and Diversity Co-ordinator

[email protected]

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