Autumn Concert – A Musical Highlight
The Autumn Concert, featuring our instrumental ensembles (Sinfonia, Concert Band, Early Music Consort, Symphony Orchestra, Senior Brass Ensemble, Flute Choir, Scholars’ Ensemble, String Quartet, Senior String Ensemble) was a fantastic evening that celebrated the importance of dance in instrumental music. The concert included an eclectic and diverse range of styles: mambo (from Berstein’s West Side Story) – expertly played by Sinfonia, with drive, energy and excitement; ballet (from Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker), performed with majesty by the Symphony Orchestra; Themes from La La Land played with great style by the Concert Band; Rondo (from Purcell’s Abdelazar) performed with poise and precision by the Early Music Consort. Other ensembles covered Latin American styles, swing and folk dances, and piano soloist Hanyang (Upper Sixth) gave a fantastic and skilful performance of a Chopin polonaise. This concert was entertaining and uplifting- the rousing finish, provided by the mighty Symphony Orchestra, captured the enjoyment of all Caterham musicians and high praise must be given to all who performed.
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