Degree Apprenticeship Workshop
The first Degree Apprenticeship workshop is taking place next Tuesday 24 September at 4.15pm in H1. There are a limited number of spaces still available, so please do let Mrs Brown know, by email, if you would like your son or daughter to be included in the programme. Details can be found in Firefly under Sixth Form letters.
Due to a number of issues, I would like to inform you of some changes in two of the careers events taking place this term.
The Media, Advertising and Communications evening scheduled for Monday 30 September has been rescheduled to Thursday 10 October at 7.00pm. This is due to some work scheduling issues for some of our speakers.
The Tech is Exciting evening, which was calendared for Thursday 10 October will be moved to the spring term and I will publish the new date as soon as this has been confirmed.
I would also be delighted to hear from anyone who might be interested in speaking at either of these events. If you would like more information before committing then I am more than happy to talk through what you might be able to help us with, either through email, [email protected] or on extension 307.
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