CCF Coronation Celebration & Inspection Day

CCF Coronation Celebration & Inspection Day

You are warmly invited to attend the Corps’ Annual General Inspection AGI. This event is a showcase of all that Corps does, in front of an Inspecting Officer, the Headmaster, parents and guests. It is a particularly important occasion this year, falling as it does on the Coronation Weekend and therefore offering us a chance to mark the historic beginning of a new reign and to honour our new sovereign.

We are delighted to welcome back Group Captain Piers Holland MBE (OC), himself a CCF cadet at Caterham for five years and now a senior officer in the RAF regiment, as Inspecting Officer.

Supported by the Music department’s Wind Orchestra, the event will run from 2.30pm to 5.00pm and everyone is invited, especially ex-cadets of any vintage to join for all or part of the afternoon’s activities.

2.30pm Guard of Honour (drill display) and Speeches  – Homefield

3.00pm Cadet demonstrations:

  • High Ropes – WILD CATS

  • Skill At Arms – PREP SCHOOL

  • Drill – PREP CAR PARK

  • Archery – TITCH PITCH

  • First Aid – HOME FIELD (Prep School end)


    4.10pm Blank-firing fieldcraft demonstration – Homefield 

    4.30pm Coronation Service and Prize Giving – Homefield


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