Orchestral Open Day- Sunday 22 June 2025

Orchestral Open Day- Sunday 22 June 2025

Young musicians (Grades 3+ and from school years 5-8) are invited to participate in this fun and enjoyable event on Sunday 22 June 2025. (There is no charge for participating in this event).

Musicians from local schools will join forces with Caterham School’s musicians for a day of music-making and a showcase concert. Schools will be invited to bring their orchestras – including pupils from years 5 to 8 – to enjoy working with a professional guest conductor on a range of exciting repertoire.

The day will culminate in a showcase concert, where all musicians will present a programme featuring the music they have learned throughout the day. They will then join forces with Caterham School’s Symphony Orchestra to perform a massed item.

Following this, Caterham School will present their annual Lower School Concert, featuring performances from the Lower School Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra. Parents of all pupils involved in the Orchestral Open Day are very welcome to attend the whole concert, after which refreshments will be served.

The Orchestral Open Day provides:

  • Advice and guidance from the Caterham School Music Team
  • A chance to work under a special guest conductor
  • Opportunity to work with other young musicians from the area
  • A chance to explore new repertoire
  • Experience performing with new musical friends



10.00pm Registration
10.30pm Session 1
11.20pm Break
11.35pm  Session 2
12.30pm Lunch (pupils bring their own packed lunch)
1.30pm Session 3
2.20pm Break
2.40pm Session 4 
3.30pm Break
4.00pm  Showcase Concert and Caterham School’s Lower School Concert
5.00pm Refreshments



Music to be rehearsed and performed on the day will be sent to schools/participants in advance.

Snacks will be provided for breaktimes.

A certificate of participation will be awarded to each musician


Please complete the form below by Friday 23 May to register for the Orchestral Open Day:




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