First Years Settle In

Wellbeing Category

First Years Settle In

The First Year have had a fantastic first week and are settling into Caterham life brilliantly. They enjoyed a...

Forging New Friendships at Enrichment Day

The first Friday of term saw the school site bustling with activity in our annual Enrichment Day. EDGE critical thinking, teambuilding,...

Voices for Change Pride Friendship

This week the pupils celebrated pride month by creating pride friendship bracelets. The Voice4Change group helped pupils across all...

Nurturing Young Readers

In honour of World Book Day and in response to the perennial desire of parents for their children to...

Study Buddy is Back!

Study Buddy is back! After six intensive lunchtime training sessions, over 100 eager Sixth Form volunteers met with their...

Saluting our Sisters – Black History Month

This week marks the start of Black History Month. This week all pupils have heard from Mrs Seal (Diversity...

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