Supporting Pupils in Partnership:  Wellbeing Hub Launch for Parents

Wellbeing Category

Supporting Pupils in Partnership: Wellbeing Hub Launch for Parents

As part of our Wellbeing provision for our school community, we are delighted to announce that we have partnered...

Sixth Form Vertical Buddies Support

Our Vertical Buddies Programme which brings mentorship and advice to our senior pupils has now entered its fourth year...

Celebrating Diwali

This week we marked Diwali with our first ‘Diwali showcase’ at the Senior school. This showcase was an opportunity...

First Years Settle In

The First Year have had a fantastic first week and are settling into Caterham life brilliantly. They enjoyed a...

Forging New Friendships at Enrichment Day

The first Friday of term saw the school site bustling with activity in our annual Enrichment Day. EDGE critical thinking, teambuilding,...

Voices for Change Pride Friendship

This week the pupils celebrated pride month by creating pride friendship bracelets. The Voice4Change group helped pupils across all...

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