Peter Cane Legal Reasoning Prize: Recognition for Vivienne

Sixth Form Category

Peter Cane Legal Reasoning Prize: Recognition for Vivienne

Congratulations to Vivienne Christofides who has received a commendation for her entry in the Peter Cane Legal Reasoning Prize...

Exploring Future Pathways at Annual University Fair

Caterham School welcomed over thirty universities to its highly anticipated University Fair on Thursday, 27 February. The event provided...

The Wright Society Attend Lecture at Guy’s and St Thomas’

The Wright Society was extremely lucky to be invited to sit in on a Fourth Year medical student lecture...

Oxford and Cambridge Offer Celebrations!

Thirteen Caterham pupils are celebrating after receiving offers from Cambridge and Oxford University. The offers span an extensive range...

Physicists Visit Imperial College for ‘Hubble Trouble’

Last week a group of our Lower Sixth physicists ventured up to Imperial College London on a school trip...

Sixth Form Have Critical Eye on The Tempest

On Thursday 23 January, Upper Sixth pupils studying A Level English saw Jamie Lloyd’s production of Shakespeare’s The TempestĀ at...

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