Third Year Compete in Underwater Robotics Competition

Science Category

Third Year Compete in Underwater Robotics Competition

On Tuesday twelve pupils from Third Year attended a robotics competition held in Southampton. The competition was organised by...

Old Cat Dr Luke Bashford Opens Up the World of Neuroscience at Wright Society Lecture

The Wright Society was delighted to welcome Dr Luke Bashford on Tuesday 5 March to talk about his research...

Caterham Engineers Problem Solve at SATRO

On Tuesday night 15 pupils from Caterham travelled to St Bede’s School in Redhill to take part in the...

Isabelle P Impresses at British Brain Bee Neuroscience Olympiad

Lower Sixth pupil Isabelle P celebrated great success in the British Brain Bee Neuroscience Olympiad. By studying a number...

Bleach Boys Clean Up Well at Cambridge Chemistry Race

On Saturday 10 February, our team of chemists (Lisa, Xavier, Samuel, Kayla and I, known by the team name...

British Biology Olympiad

In the week before half-term, 26 Lower Sixth Biology pupils took part in this year’s British Biology Olympiad. The...

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