Drama Scholars’ Workshop: Professional Theatrical and Media Make Up

Performing Arts Category

Drama Scholars’ Workshop: Professional Theatrical and Media Make Up

On the last Friday of half term, the lower school drama scholars took part in a professional theatrical and...

GCSE Devised Pieces Performed

On Tuesday evening the Fifth Year Drama pupils performed their GCSE devised pieces to an audience of family and...

Professional Fight Choreography for The Lightning Thief

Last week the cast of The Lightning Thief got to grips with their weapons in an epic all-day stage...

Lower Sixth Swan Up to the RSC

On Tuesday 3 October, Lower Sixth drama pupils took to Stratford-Upon-Avon to see the hometown of William Shakespeare. Starting...

ARTSLive 2023 – ‘Visibility’

ARTSLive 2023 had it all – creativity, joy and an enthusiastic audience of students and parents. The night featured...

Meet Our Drama Leaders!

We are thrilled to welcome our new Drama Leadership team for 2023-2024. At the end of last term, the...

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