Lerang’wa Lunches Bear Fruit

Partnerships Category

Lerang’wa Lunches Bear Fruit

The garden at our partner school at Lerang’wa continues to bear fruit (and veg) with produce all year round. ...

Amnesty over the Airwaves

  Our Amnesty group collaborated with the LAE group over the airwaves this week.  The session involved a quiz...

United Access Pupils Head to Univeristy

During the Easter break we hosted our online United Access course.  The participating pupils, drawn from six United Learning...

Continued collaboration with local schools

A busy half term in the East Surrey Learning Partnership has seen a series of Training events involving teachers...

New Presidents & Vice Presidents for MJS and TWS

This week saw a stunning close to the Moncrieff-Jones Society season with a lecture by Brandon K (Lower Sixth...

ESLP Catch up Coding

Mr Lex Lang, Deputy Head, Teaching and Learning, Prep School led a successful training session on coding for the East...

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