Beechhanger Boarders Fundraise for Altevette School

Co-Curricular Category

Beechhanger Boarders Fundraise for Altevette School

On Monday pupils in Beechanger house were pleased to donate the £400 they have raised to sponsor a pupil...

French Exchange: Les Français Débarquent!

Now in its third year, the French Exchange ‘Cuvée 2018’, took place last week. Our partners from the Collège...

Drone Squadron Ready for Take off!

Pupils in the Third Year have been learning to fly drones in their computer science lessons. However, at Caterham...

Rosie Clarke: Team GB and Old Cat

Team GB athlete and Old Caterhamian Rosie Clarke was the guest speaker on Friday 16 March for the Old...

Boarding Fun Weekend Activities

Our boarding activities weekend got underway on Friday evening with pupils from all three houses getting involved in a...

World Book Day: Drop Everything and Read!

We refused to be thwarted by the snow and re-ran World Book Day this Thursday 8 March. Hundreds of...

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