Show Jumping Trials Success

Co-Curricular Category

Show Jumping Trials Success

Congratulations to Faye who came fifth out of 34 in her respective section at Poplar Park International, before half...

Second Year Challenge Day

Just before half term, 90 pupils took part in the Second Year Challenge Day. The day formed an important...

CCF Self Reliance Expedition

40 Third Year recruits gave up the last weekend of half-term for a rigorous assessment of their skills in...

French Exchange 2018

During May half-term we travelled to Nay for the return visit of the French exchange with our French partners...

OC Delivers Oxbridge Workshop

A selection of Lower Sixth economists were put through their paces during an inspiring workshop led by Old Cat, Vincent Man....

Parents’ Association Jazz Night

Last Thursday, over 100 parents and guests enjoyed an evening of world class Jazz with Mr&Mrs, featuring Liane Carroll...

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