LAE Pupils Visit Caterham

Co-Curricular Category


LAE Pupils Visit Caterham

The new Lower Sixth pupils of Caterham House, London Academy of Excellence Stratford (LAE) came for a day hosted...


See the Action as it Happens

Did you know Caterham School is on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram? To see photo highlights of events, trips, activities...


Boarders: Getting to Know One Another

The first weekend of the year held a wide range of activities for our boarders. On Friday evening the...


National Citizen Service

Congratulations to Upper Sixth Formers Daniel and Miranda who have achieved success in the widely acclaimed National Citizen Service...


Tanzania Trip to Support Vulnerable Massai Children

A team of 19 Lower Sixth pupils accompanied by five staff members recently visited our partnership school in remote,...


Lower Sixth’s Morocco Charity Trip

16 Lower Sixth pupils travelled to Morocco in July on a new charity trip. The team were based in...

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