Film Club & French Society Join Forces

Co-Curricular Category

Film Club & French Society Join Forces

Following last week’s screening of Le Samouraï, directed by Jean-Pierre Melville and starring Alain Delon as the enigmatic hitman,...

Le café Français des petits Filous 

Junior French Club Le café Français “des petits Filous” has been ever more popular this year, so  much so that...

Chess Ace George Competes for England

Caterham Chess ace George T (3K) had a great time playing standard play chess in an adult tournament for...

Repair Club Welcomes New Projects

Repair Club have welcomed some new projects this term looking to be fixed ready again for use. Benji C...

“Les Petits Filous” is back!

Our First Year club members have enjoyed watching a French movie “Le Petit Nicolas” with popcorn and drinks! They...

Film Festival – Red Carpet Moment

On the Monday of Wilberforce Week, the Third Years were invited to walk the red carpet in their glad...

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