Repair Club Welcomes New Projects

Co-Curricular Category

Repair Club Welcomes New Projects

Repair Club have welcomed some new projects this term looking to be fixed ready again for use. Benji C...

“Les Petits Filous” is back!

Our First Year club members have enjoyed watching a French movie “Le Petit Nicolas” with popcorn and drinks! They...

Film Festival – Red Carpet Moment

On the Monday of Wilberforce Week, the Third Years were invited to walk the red carpet in their glad...

Table Tennis Hit – thanks to our PA!

A huge thank you to the Parents’ Association for providing an outdoor Table Tennis table for Eothen Courtyard. It...

DofE Gold Award Celebrations at Buckingham Palace

On Friday 10 May, 12 Old Cats were invited to Buckingham Palace Gardens for their DofE Gold Award Celebration....

Fourth Year Pupils Present Li Bai to Senior Lit Soc

Thank you to Chup and Wayne (Fourth Year), who gave a talk to Senior Lit Soc on Li Bai:...

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