First LEGO League Robotics

Co-Curricular Category

First LEGO League Robotics

On the Thursday before half term, six Caterham pupils from the First and Second year competed in the regional...

La Société Francaise: When French meets Politics

Our French Sixth Formers had a very special guest this week to talk about Politics. A big thank you...

Les Petits Filous Mangent des Crêpes!

Our Petits Filous met again to share a very special experience: Pancake Day French style. They had to order...

RAF Cadets Glide Over Kenley

After a long break over the winter term four of the RAF air cadets were finally able to get...

U19 Qualify at ECFC National Schools Chess Champs

It was a busy week for the under 19 Chess teams with two fixtures being played. At the start...

Junior French Club Celebrate King’s Day

Our Junior French Club, Les Petits Filous, celebrated King’s Day (Epiphany) in traditional style. They watched a video about...

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