CCF Exercise Eager Tiger

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CCF Exercise Eager Tiger

Early on a Sunday morning, we recruits arrived at school, ready to test our fieldcraft and tactics skills against...

CCF Self-Reliance Expedition

Bright and early on Saturday morning in half-term, 65 recruits arrived for the start of our two-day Self-Reliance Expedition...

GOLD MEDALS FOR CORPS at Premier Competition

On a sunny Sunday in Sennybridge, Corps became one of only three CCF units in the UK to be...

CCF Annual General Inspection

This Sunday in blistering spring heat, Corps put on its annual showcase to parents and guests. An immaculate Guard...

Army Cadets Selected to Compete in National Cadet Cambrian Patrol

Next weekend, a team of eight cadets from Corps will take on the ultimate challenge available to Army Cadets...

Three New Master Cadets!

The Headmaster was delighted to meet Corps’ latest three Master Cadets this week, to discuss their experiences and to...

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