Caterham Calling! Reaching Out to Old Cats

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Caterham Calling! Reaching Out to Old Cats

Laughter and good cheer filled the phone lines this week as Sixth Form pupils continued their calls to our...

Study Buddy 2020-21 begins

Study Buddy 2020-21 got under way this week, with 44 eager Lower Sixth Form pupils meeting their First Year...

Catering Q&A

Pupils and staff take lunch in the School’s Refectory where they can choose from a wide selection of hot...

Beech Hanger Remembrance Day Poppy Tribute

On Saturday the girls in Beech Hanger gathered in their bubbles to make poppies and find out more about...

Spectacular Recital

One of our talented musicians and performers, Aldi gave a wonderful morning recital to a small, receptive and socially...

Double Physics Win at IRP Finals

The awards spotlight fell on academics this week with the Independent Research Project finals completed with aplomb on Thursday...

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