German Club Foretells the Future

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German Club Foretells the Future

German, science and speculation all in one club, as members of German club try “Bleigiessen” – the art of...

Sporting Rivalry

The last week of the Autumn Term saw a large number of house events taking place and with it...

Super Charged Sports Centre

The School’s Sports Centre will undergo a transformation later this year with an extension that will bring benefits for...

£6000 raised for YoungMinds

The Charity Committee were delighted to receive a letter of thanks from Young Minds for the huge £6000 raised....

Beech Hanger’s Superstar Matron!

Over the Christmas Holidays, Beech Hanger’s superstar matron and all-round talent, Kate Gardner, starred, wrote and directed the Woldingham...

Festive Cheer

As Christmas approaches, pupils and staff proudly donned their Christmas jumpers this week and enjoyed all the fun of...

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