First Year French trip – French Institut, London

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First Year French trip – French Institut, London

Last Friday First Year French embarked on a trip to South Kensington to spend the day at the French Institute....

House Song – Lewisham Triumphant

Wednesday afternoon of Wilberforce Week saw the return of the hotly contested House Song competition. Ably supported by the...

Orchard Theatre Festival – Outdoor Action

On Thursday and Friday last week actors from across the school took to our sunny outdoor stage as part...

Wilberforce Week – Action Packed Days!

What a way to round off the year! A week filled with fun activity which engaged everyone in our...

GIVING DAY! Thank you!

On 1 and 2 July, we celebrated our second Giving Day. Over 36 hours our pupils, staff, parents and...

Lower Sixth Visit Friends at LAE

Lower Sixth Form pupils had a great day visiting their peers at the London Academy of Excellence (LAE) last...

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