World Book Day

Academic Category

World Book Day

Celebrate the Joy of Reading! Next Thursday, 1 March, is World Book Day and children around the country will...

Maths Challenge Medals

  Well done to the 14 gold, 43 silver and 38 bronze medal winners from the Third to Fifth...

Oxbridge Offers

Congratulations to the 13 Caterhamians who have received offers from Oxford or Cambridge University, and who will join the...

Mind UK – Photography Competition Winners

  The evening of Wednesday 29 November was the opening event for the Mind UK Photography Competition Exhibition in...

Maths in Action

  On Wednesday 22 of November Dr Dimakos and Mr Buchan accompanied a group of 20 Sixth Formers to...

University Offers

Congratulations to one very lucky Upper Sixth pupil who has already received her five university offers to study criminology...

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