Giving from Hong Kong

Giving from Hong Kong

If you are a tax paying resident in Hong Kong, we have established a facility with Chapel & York Hong Kong Foundation, whereby you can make tax efficient cross border donations to Caterham School, thereby benefiting directly from the tax advantages provided for in the legislation of your country of residence.

To make a donation, please visit the Chapel & York Hong Kong Foundation website and choose Caterham School from their drop down of recipients. 

Please contact the Development team if you have any queries about making a gift from Hong Kong on 01883 335111, or by emailing [email protected]

Old Caterhamians, parents and friends of Caterham School living in Hong Kong are invited to join the Caterham Connected platform. Click here to join Caterham Connected. When you register please state your location in Hong Kong and you will automatically become a member of the Hong Kong group on the platform.