Postcards from Uni, Reaching Out to Old Cats

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Postcards from Uni, Reaching Out to Old Cats

‘Postcards from Uni’ – a new feature on Caterham English Instagram, reaching out to OCs at university for an...

I25 Recognises Caterham as UK Leader & Influencer in Wellbeing

We are delighted to announce that Caterham and Mrs Sarah Griffiths received the i25 award for wellbeing earlier this...

CCF October Camp 2020

Instead of our usual October seaside location of Folkestone, windswept and bleak, we stayed at ‘home’ in Old Park...


EDGE launched to Lower Sixth Form

On Tuesday we launched our EDGE course to Lower Sixth Form pupils. Already established as a curriculum subject in...

LAMDA Successes!

How wonderful to be able to celebrate some very recent LAMDA successes amidst all the doom and gloom outside...

Virtual Live Lounge

This term’s Live Lounge was presented virtually via a fantastic and entertaining YouTube channel dedicated to some amazing performances...

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