Salade Niçoise for Lunch

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Salade Niçoise for Lunch

Fourth Year French pupils have been learning about French cuisine and on Friday prepared their own ‘salade niçoise’ for...

Design & Technology from September

This week saw the unveiling of this year’s GCSE option choices and those interested in GCSE 3D will note...

Biscuit Fun in Spanish

Third year pupils used their culinary skills to make Spanish ‘galletas‘ (biscuits).  It was messy but lots of fun...

Daniel increases his Green Credentials

Daniel R (1P) received his Green Blue Peter badge this week for his work for the Environment and Nature....

Lower Sixth Form Visit From the Paperbirds

On Friday 22 January, the Lower Sixth Form Drama pupils were treated to a fantastically creative workshop from theatre...

Family Fun Drama Competitions

The Drama Department are launching three family fun competitions to keep you occupied throughout February! Turn your pets into...

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