Caterham Maths Ambassadors

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Caterham Maths Ambassadors

Caterham Maths Ambassadors from the Fourth Year and the Lower Sixth have been out to St Stephens’s Primary School...

Revise Like a Champion Notes

Did you know that one of the best ways to commit something to your long-term memory is to realise...

Medics Society Talk

On Tuesday 7 May, pupils from Caterham Medics Society organised and attended a talk given by Angela Stevenson- Surrey...

Caterham Online Partnership

The Caterham Online Partnership is a resource contained within Firefly, giving both parents and pupils information about staying safe online, how...

Karting Success: Championship Final

Congratulations to Adam and David (Upper Sixth formers) and James (Third Year) for qualifying for the British School Karting...

Education Evolution: Redefining the Future of Learning

Caterham is once again hosting Education Evolution, a one-day conference which will explore the journey schools need to take...

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