Future Ready Learning – Digital Inquiry

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Future Ready Learning – Digital Inquiry

Caterham’s award winning Digital Inquiry course for Sixth Formers was launched to the Upper Sixth students. Developed in collaboration...

Innovation Award Launch

Following its hugely successful launch last year, the Old Caterhamian’s Association opened the 2019-20 round of the whole-school initiative...

Lego Learning for Libraries Week

Libraries Week is an annual opportunity to celebrate the nation’s libraries, and in 2019 the focus is on the...

Model United Nations Conference Success

On Thursday 10 Caterham students attended a Model United Nations conference hosted by King’s Canterbury School. It was a...

Internet Safety: Where to find reliable information

In February, PC Sarah Adams, our Schools Liaison Officer gave assemblies to pupils in 1st to 5th years about...

Caterham House Visit

The new Lower Sixth students of Caterham House, London Academy of Excellence Stratford came for a day hosted by...

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