Woodland Orchids

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Woodland Orchids

For those of you taking a regular ramble in the school’s Old Park Woods nature continues to offer beauty...

Inspire & Readiness Courses

Caterham’s unique course which prepares our Upper Sixth Form students for university life and Fifth Year pupils for Sixth form...

Log circle for New Valley Primary

New Valley Primary in Kenley have had a good idea for encouraging social distancing during the tricky return to...

Launch of our Wellbeing Podcast

 (@caterhamwellbeing on Instagram)  This week our Wellbeing Ambassadors launched a new podcast series which will hear them discuss a range of topics. They...

Enrichment – Academic Shorts

The latest episode from the Academic Shorts series is entitled Chernobyl. Northern Ukraine, 26 April 1986: Dr Scott takes us on...

Lockdown Quiz Final Countdown

The phenomenal success of the Saturday Lockdown Quiz is well chartered: themed quiz nights, challenging and sometimes controversial questions, lighthearted banter and legions of global followers. Winner of...

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