Record Offers from Overseas Universities

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Record Offers from Overseas Universities

This year has seen a record set of offers from overseas universities as the outlook for our Upper Sixth...

Record Round for University Applications

2022 has seen a superb set of university offers secured by our Upper Sixth Form pupils for the UK’s...

DofE Award Silver Expeditions

The Fourth Year Duke of Edinburgh expedition party headed out to the Chiltern Hills on the morning of Thursday...

Marathon Effort Raises £10K

A big thank you from Team Quinton!  Team Quinton – Dan Q, Bethany Q, Nikki Heber & Chris Bovet-White...

Music Festival First Place

Congratulations go to First Year pupil Yu-in for her recent amazing achievements which include being awarded first place in...

Jubilee Street Party

The senior school celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in style with a Street Party lunch on Eothen courtyard just...

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